Searching for New Executive Team Members! [SUBMISSION PERIOD OVER]

Searching for New Executive Team Members! [SUBMISSION PERIOD OVER]

seethestarsHello everyone! The Astronomy and Space Exploration Society (ASX) is currently looking to fill a few vacancies in our executive team. If astronomy and space tickle your fancy and you would wish to tickle other people’s fancy in astronomy and space, we have openings in the Secretary, Outreach Director, and Symposium Coordinator positions.

Open to ALL UofT undergrads! NO astronomy/science background required!

If you’re interested in one or more of the positions please email us at with a 200 words or less statement of interest and an attached résumé/CV. Please also feel free to email us any questions.



More information on the vacant positions:

SECRETARY: The Secretary must take minutes during all executive meetings, and must promptly distribute them to the executives once the meeting is done. The Secretary is also responsible for establishing and maintaining the electronic mailing list, and managing the ASX email address. The Secretary is also responsible for managing and sending emails to ASX members, including a monthly newsletter which describes all the relevant space-related events scheduled during the next month. The Secretary is ASX’s primary contact person.

OUTREACH DIRECTOR: The Outreach Director is primarily responsible for advertising ASX, managing ASX’s social media profiles, cultivating relationships with external organizations, and recruiting members. For large events which require substantial advertisement, the Outreach Director may delegate responsibility for advertising to a number of executives, and should cooperate with the Secretary in creating an effective and consistent online message.

SYMPOSIUM COORDINATOR: The role of the Symposium Coordinator is to help the Symposium Director oversee and
manage all activities and tasks related to the Annual Symposium, including contacting and confirming speakers, booking their travel and accommodations, booking the Symposium venue and audio-visual equipment, choosing catering, and any other logistics related to the Symposium.

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