ASX Annual General Meeting

ASX Annual General Meeting

On April 2 at 6 pm, ASX will hold its Annual General Meeting in the Bahen Center, room 2175 (40 St George St). The 2014-15 executive team will be elected, we will watch a documentary about space, and pizza will be served. If you are a student, alumnus, staff, or faculty member of the University of Toronto and you are on this mailing list, you are eligible to vote and to run for an executive position. The executive positions and voting procedures are explained below. If you wish to run for an executive position, message before 11:59 pm on April 1 and state your three top choices for executive position in ranked order. If our secretary does not respond within 24 hours, email again to ensure that he has received your message.

Voting Methods
Voting will follow the procedure outlined in the ASX Constitution, section 6.2. Please read this section and come prepared with a different 3 minute speech for each position you wish to run for. After each candidate has spoken for a given executive slot, each present voting member will write down their preferred candidate on a secret ballot. The candidate with the most votes wins. In the event that a candidate wins multiple elections, that candidate will be elected to the office they ranked highest when they declared the intention to run, and the second-most popular candidate in the other elections they won will be elected to that office. For example, if person A declares an intention to run for President first and for Vice-President second, and A wins both elections while person B comes in second in the Vice-Presidential election, then A becomes the new President while B becomes the new Vice-President. The main benefit of this method is that you do not lose your opportunity to be an executive simply by losing one election.

Role Descriptions
Each current executive wrote a description of their role to be circulated to the entire club, and those descriptions are enclosed below. To supplement these descriptions please see section 6.1 of the ASX Constitution. The descriptions for President, Vice-President, and Finance Director are omitted because, as per section 6.2.f), you may only run for those positions if you have held another ASX executive position for at least 6 months.

Outreach Director cultivates and maintains relationships with exterior astronomy and space organizations and affiliations. Ensures that communication between ASX and our affiliates is strong when necessary. Also engages members and directly oversees all projects that fall under “outreach”.

Projects Director is responsible for overseeing all projects assigned by the executive and reporting on them at meetings.

Secretary writes all emails sent to the ASX mailing list, including newsletters, responds to all emails sent to the account, takes the minutes of all meetings, and serves as ASX’s secondary contact person.

Symposium Director organizes the annual symposium. The Symposium Director’s tasks include choosing a topic, finding potential speakers, contacting speakers, contacting sponsors, booking a room, and managing tickets.

Observing Director organizes ​telescope observing sessions after ASX talks. We do this to ensure that those attending get to see the cosmos for themselves after the lecture, with the help of a telescope that is otherwise not readily available to everyone.

Marketing Director handles all things visual, from handouts to posters, and is responsible for all graphics used by and associated with the society.

Symposium Coordinator works with the Symposium Director to oversee and manage all activities and tasks related to the Annual Symposium

Events Coordinator takes care of special ASX events throughout the year not associated with the annual symposium. This year, the coordinator was responsible for organizing a new series of lectures called Star Talks.

Webmaster manages social media content on the website and Facebook page, and posts information regarding space and space exploration events happening at U of T.

If you have any questions about this year’s ASX AGM, please email and our secretary will respond as quickly as possible.

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