Graduate Student Panel – Methods of Modern Astronomy

Location: Cody Hall (Room 107), Astronomy & Astrophysics Building (AB),
U of T – St. George
Want to know more about how modern astronomy is conducted? Bursting with questions on how exoplanets are detected or how galaxies are surveyed? Not sure what to ask, but just want to learn more? Then come on down to ASX’s November Graduate Student Panel!
This 27th of November, we are proud to be featuring an expert panel of U of T PhD candidates in astronomy and astrophysics, each one with experience in cutting-edge observational methods. Feel free to come with your own questions, or lend an ear to our guided discussion. Weather-permitting, the discussion will be followed by an observation night using the instruments at the top of McLennan Physical Laboratories’ Burton Tower. As usual, everyone with any amount of background knowledge is welcome!
The panel will be moderated by journalist Dan Falk, winner of the 2019 Fleming Medal for Excellence in Science Communication. Falk is an award-winning science writer, broadcaster, and author, with credits in New Scientist, Scientific American, Astronomy Magazine, and Quanta among many others.