ASX Election Applications 2021-2022 Fall

ASX Election Applications 2021-2022 Fall

Do you have a passion for all things space? Are you looking to expand your leadership and extracurricular experiences? The Astronomy and Space Exploration Society at U of T is currently recruiting new executive team members for the upcoming year!

Available positions and descriptions can be found at:…/1l3Obvs47FBbcIQYZmvsx…/edit…

To apply, please fill out the following form: 

You may apply for a maximum of two positions. For each position, you must write a brief statement (250 word maximum) explaining why you want the role and why you are qualified. The deadline for applications is October 19th at 11:59PM.

All applications for each position will be compiled into a Google Form, and elections for the new executive team will take place during on October 21st, with a deadline at 11:59PM that day.

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