21st Annual Symposium: “Cosmic Whispers”

21st Annual Symposium: “Cosmic Whispers”

Join us for an immerseive exploration into the exotic signals of our universe at our 21st Annual Symposium “Cosmic Whispers: Unraveling the Mysterious Signals of the Universe”. Dive into learning more about X-ray bursts, the cosmic microwave background, and fast radio bursts; phenomena which offers fascinating insights into the origins and dynamics of the cosmos. As the largest single-day space-related event in Toronto, our annual symposia is sure to pique your curiosity with interesting, accessible talks given by renowned researchers and experts in the field (followed by a telescope giveaway as per ASX tradition)!

Event link:

Date: March 7th, 2024

Location: MP102 (McLennan Physical Laboratories) – 60 St. George Street, Toronto

Time: 6:00 pm – 9:30 pm


  • Free for students with valid student ID (secondary, post-secondary)
  • Free for everyone 13 years old and under
  • $15 for general admission, online tickets
  • $20 for general admission, at the door

Prizes: Every ticket purchased will include a prize entry. Additional prize tickets are availale for $3 each.

  • Celestron – 76mm Signature Series FirstScope
  • Moon Lamp
  • Chocolate Gift Bundle


Featured Speakers: 

Dr. Luigi Galla

Dr. Luigi Gallo is a professor of astronomy & physics at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax. His research interests include black holes and active galactic nuclei; with particular focus on the X-rays emitted from the innermost regions of these extreme environments. Dr. Gallo is also engaged in the definition and realization of future X-ray missions. He has worked with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), NASA, and the Canadian Space Agency to foster Canadian participation in the X-ray missions Hitomi and XRISM. Dr. Gallo completed his PhD work at the prestigious Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany, and then joined JAXA before becoming a faculty member at Saint Mary’s University in 2007.

Dr. Aditya Vijaykumar

Aditya Vijaykumar is a postdoctoral fellow at CITA. He received a PhD in Physics at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, working on various topics in gravitational waves. During the final year of his graduate studies, Aditya was also a Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellow at The University of Chicago. Aditya’s research interests span theory, astrophysics and data analysis aspects of gravitational-wave sources. His past work has concentrated on testing aspects of Einstein’s general relativity with gravitational wave detections and also developing novel ways of investigating astrophysical formation channels with these detections.

Alicia Savelli (Event MC)

Alicia Savelli is a PhD candidate at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics and in the David A. Dunlap Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Toronto.  Her research looks at the gas falling into the supermassive black holes at the centres of galaxies, and what causes that gas to shine.  She is very passionate about theoretical astrophysics, teaching, and public outreach, but in her spare time she enjoys baking, playing music, reading, and hanging out with her cat Charlotte.

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