May 2015: Picture of the Month
Hubble’s View of the Andromeda Galaxy from NASA. To view the full image, click HERE.
Hubble’s View of the Andromeda Galaxy from NASA. To view the full image, click HERE.
ASX will be holding it’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Monday, March 30 at 6 p.m. The event will take place in the Astronomy Building, 50 St. George Street, room 107. There will be pizza and a movie after the voting is done.
ASX will be holding our monthly Star Talk on March 19 at 8pm. The speaker is Sarah Symons, Assistant Professor at McMaster University. The talk will be given in McLennan Physical Labs (60 St George Street). The room is number 103 on the first floor. This is a FREE event and open for all ages.…
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ASX will be holding our monthly Star Talk on February 26 at 8pm. The speaker is Eric Poisson, professor of physics at the University of Guelph. The talk will be given in McLennan Physical Labs (60 St George Street). The room is number 103 on the first floor. This is a FREE event and open…
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Location and Time:JJR MacLeod Auditorium (MS 2158), 1 King’s College Circle from 7-10 pm the night of Friday, January 23, 2015. We are honored to be featuring: Professor Christian Ott from California Institute of Technology, The Theory of Stellar Death and Explosion: Massive stars die in spectacular core-collapse supernova explosions and leave behind neutron stars or black holes.…
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