Author: Astronomy and Space Exploration Society

18th Annual Symposium: Stellar Spectacles

Curious about the stellar spectacles that astronomers use to examine the universe? Learn more about an upcoming conference with leading astronomy experts from February 10–12! Researchers at the frontier of space research and exploration are set to speak at the Astronomy and Space Exploration Society’s 18th annual symposium — themed “Stellar Spectacles: Peering into the…
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Star Talk: JWST: Infrared Eyes on the Universe

Would you like to learn about the James Webb Telescope? Learn from an expert astronomer on January 25! The guest speaker will be Dr. David Law at the Space Telescope Science Institute. Find the event page at: Abstract: As the flagship successor to NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will…
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November’s Astronomy Trivia Night

Join the ASX for its November Trivia Night! You can test your skills and knowledge of astronomy and space exploration. This trivia night’s theme is the James Webb Space Telescope. Catch the event page here.

Star Talk: Mapping the Milky Way in the Age of Gaia

Catch the ASX’s next Star Talk on October 29 at 5 pm! The guest speaker is Dr. Joshua Speagle, a Banting & Dunlap Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Statistical Sciences, David A. Dunlap Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, and the Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics at the University of Toronto. Abstract: “For as…
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ASX Election Applications 2021-2022 Fall

Do you have a passion for all things space? Are you looking to expand your leadership and extracurricular experiences? The Astronomy and Space Exploration Society at U of T is currently recruiting new executive team members for the upcoming year! Available positions and descriptions can be found at:…/1l3Obvs47FBbcIQYZmvsx…/edit… To apply, please fill out the following…
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