Category: Latest News

September 2016: Picture of the Month

Nicknamed as Tianyan, or the Eye of Heaven, the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) is built within a natural basin in the Guizhou province of China.

Star Talk: Planets Around Expired Stars

“Planets Around Expired Stars”, presented by Professor Yanqin Wu Abstract: Professor Yanqin Wu investigates the formation and evolution of planets, both inside and outside our own Solar System. Her current attention is devoted to a recently discovered puzzle, the presence of planetary systems around white dwarf stars, stars that have lived through their lives and…
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August 2016: Picture of the Month

Our Sun is most likely formed some five billion years ago in a similar stellar nursery such as NGC7129.

July 2016: Picture of the Month

From left to right, Callisto, Ganymede, Jupiter, Io, and Europa can be seen in this telescopic view alongside the Moon.

June 2016: Picture of the Month

This view of the night side of Pluto was captured by New Horizons last July when the spacecraft was 21000 kilometres from the planet.