Category: Latest News

NASA Space Apps Toronto Challenge Happening October 2-3!

Space Apps Toronto, a hackathon exploring challenges in the space industry, is running from October 2-3! Learn more about registration for this ASX co-organized event, free for all participants, at

NASA Space Apps Toronto Challenge

Are you an enthusiastic problem-solver and creator who also happens to be absolutely fascinated by Earth and space science? If you answered yes, learn more about the NASA Space Apps Toronto challenge at We are thrilled to let you know that the ASX, SEDS-Canada, and RU Hacks are hosting this year’s Toronto NASA Space…
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A Virtual Tour of the U of T Astronomy Department

Curious about what astronomy education looks like? Get all your questions answered by tuning in to a virtual tour with the Astronomy Union (AU) – University of Toronto and the ASX on September 3 at 3:30 pm!  Zoom link:

Star Talk: Pursuing multiple lines of enquiry into cosmic dawn and cosmic noon

Curious about cosmology? Catch the ASX’s next Star Talk with postdoctoral researcher Dr. Dongwoo Chung on August 25! The Zoom link will be posted closer to the event. Abstract: “Gazing deeply into what appears to be blank sky, highly sensitive telescopes observing in various wavelengths reveal starlight from faint, distant galaxies,” writes Dr. Chung. “We…
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Virtual Tour of the Allan I. Carswell Astronomical Observatory

Learn about astronomical observation in a virtual tour of the Allan I. Carswell Astronomical Observatory on August 10th with the ASX! Catch the event page at: